Our mission is to help all men and women love and serve Jesus Christ through
worship, study, training, and hands-on ministry in the community and the world.
Co-Pastors: Jim and Cathy Stanley-Erickson
Our next RIP 'N ROLL event is Sunday, November 7. Following worship we'll enjoy a light lunch together and then work on the bandages to be sent to the Congo. This event is for all ages and for men and women. We have a great time working together on this very worthwhile project. Why don't you join us, even if you haven't done so already...and you don't have to know how to sew to lend a hand!
Next Sunday, November 7 is All Saints Day. We will remember those who have gone home to be with the Lord. Veterans' Day is November 11 and we will also remember those who have served our country. Please join us.
ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: To our members, please mark your calendars for Sunday, November 14. A light lunch will follow worship; the meeting will commence promptly.
Adult Sunday School: Would you like to learn more about dysfunctional families? Or about God's way of conducting our lives? Then come and join us in the coming months to discuss these issues with DVD presentations, group discussions, and scriptural studies. You will find new insights regarding how God can answer some of life's difficult questions. DVD leaders include Bob Russell, Margaret Feinberg, Charles Swindoll, Rich Warren, and Philip Yancey. An entire program has been planned for the coming 9 months. Come join us in our Bible Study Fellowship with plenty of coffee and goodies available.
Our food collection this month is going to the Keystone Opportunity Center. Non-perishable items (especially needed are healthy children's snacks, diapers, hearty soups, cereal, and grape jelly) may be placed under the mailboxes in Fellowship Hall.
From 8:30am - 10:0am on the last Saturday of every month, Christ Covenant Church offers a free breakfast to anyone in the community. All are welcome! Our next breakfast will be Saturday, October 30th.